[CaTEACH-SMI] Volunteers Needed: UCR MESA Needs Your Help

Leslie Bushong leslie.bushong at ucr.edu
Tue Apr 8 08:06:23 PDT 2008

>A N N O U N C E M E N T
>On Saturday, April 12, 2008, the UCR MESA Schools Program will be 
>hosting its regional MESA DAY from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Approximately 
>300 - 400 students from local high schools will compete in various 
>innovative science and engineering events.
>For those of you that are familiar with our program, you can 
>appreciate how important this competition can be for the students we 
>serve. This is their opportunity to learn by doing, demonstrating 
>their academic and technical expertise in the projects they complete 
>and the events they engage in. The MESA Day academy is the 
>culmination of many months of planning, design and testing. It is 
>not only an opportunity to validate their hard work, but also to 
>stress the value of academics and design principles. Your help with 
>this event will encourage and inspire these students and their 
>families, and perhaps even propel them to pursue loftier goals in 
>college and beyond.
>We need volunteers from 7:00am to 5:00pm to assist with various 
>logistics. Whatever assistance you can offer is appreciated.
>In preparation for MESA DAY, volunteers are asked to attend one of 
>the following Volunteer Information/Training Meetings:
>Tuesday, April 8, 2008
>5:00pm to 6:00pm or 6:00pm to 7:00pm
>Engineering Building Unit II Rooms 205 and 206
>Wenesday, April 9, 2008
>5:30pm to 6:30pm or 6:30pm to 7:30pm
>Engineering Building Unit II Rooms 205 and 206
>FOOD WILL BE SERVED. Anyone interested in serving as a volunteer for 
>this MESA Day should RSVP for one of the four trainings by 
>contacting Jevon Hunter at (951) 827-2887 or 
>jhunter at engr.ucr.edu.  Please RSVP to confirm your attendance!!!  If 
>you participated in our March 1st event, please indicate so in your RSVP.
>Please see the attachment for more information, and thank you in 
>advance for your support.
>Jevon Hunter
>Academic Coordinator
>MESA Schools Program
>University of California, Riverside
>951.827.2887 ~ jhunter at engr.ucr.edu

Leslie Bushong
Director, California Teach-Science/Mathematics Initiative (CaTEACH-SMI)
1104 Pierce Hall
University of California, Riverside
voice: (951) 827-4970
fax: (951) 827-4971
website: http://smi.ucr.edu

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