[CaTEACH-SMI] NASA Ames Academy

Leslie Bushong leslie.bushong at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 6 15:17:42 PDT 2007


Plan ahead...NASA Summer Academy for Space Exploration in Summer 2008

Program Introduction
The NASA Ames Academy is a unique summer institute of higher learning 
whose goal is to help guide future leaders of the U.S.Space Program 
by giving them a glimpse of how the whole system works. The success 
of the Space Program results from the interaction of government, 
academia, and the private sector, each playing a critical and 
different role in the 49-year-old civil program. Responsibilities 
overlap, leaders migrate from one sector to another and 
interdependence changes with each new administration.

NASA's Charter, written in the 1958 Space Act, gives NASA the main 
role of using and exploring space for the betterment of humankind. 
Congress and the President have both supported and restrained NASA as 
its programs have evolved. President John F. Kennedy's vision of 
putting a man on the Moon within the decade included much more than 
the Apollo spectacular of newspaper fame. After Apollo's success, 
NASA has constantly sought to redefine its goals and fine tune its 
schedule every year seeking a budget to match its imagination. We 
have explored most of the planets, measured the solar system, flown 
humans in long term endurance missions and short term operational 
missions, invented new technology and trained Congress,teachers, 
students, business people, and engineers, developing a whole new 
generation familiar with the expertise of the "Space Age."

Student Eligibility
    * Demonstrated interest in the Space Program
    * Demonstrated Leadership Qualities
    * Enrolled as a junior, senior, or graduate student (as of June 1 
of the program year)
    * Maintain an overall B plus average (minimum)
    * Majoring in science (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), math, 
engineering, computer science, or other areas of interest to the space program
    * Be a US citizen or permanent resident (as of June 1, 2007)

Contact Information
NASA Academy information is obtained through these sources:
Tel: (650) 604-6746
EMAIL: <mailto:dohandley at mail.arc.nasa.gov>dohandley at mail.arc.nasa.gov

Dr. Douglas A. O'Handley
NASA Ames Research Center
T20G - 2
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Applications for the Academy programs are available on-line beginning 
in October. Check the Academy home page at either of the addresses 
above for the application availability and due dates

Leslie Bushong
Staff Director
California Teach-Science/Mathematics Initiative (CaTEACH-SMI)
1104 Pierce Hall
University of California, Riverside
voice: (951) 827-4970
fax: (951) 827-4971
website: http://smi.ucr.edu

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