[Carlit] FW: Student think tank urges students to go to library

Hartman, Robin rhartman at hiu.edu
Thu Mar 1 12:21:42 PST 2007

Forwarded message from the CARL-IT NORTH Treasurer to the CARL-IT SOUTH listserv.

-----Original Message-----
From: SIMINITUS, JACQUELYN E (PB) [mailto:js8295 at att.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:07 PM
To: Hartman, Robin
Subject: Student think tank urges students to go to library

I'm a CARL member, but apparently not on the CARL-IT South list.  
Thanks for offering to forward the message.  Here it is:

There is a good line in the March 2, 2007 issue of the Chronicle of
Higher Education. 

The line: 
"Forget time worn tactics like placards and protests in the quad.  The
Roosevelt Institution wants students to go to the library, put
themselves on the frontlines of policy research, and marshal all their
networking might in the name of young people's unexploited intellectual

Article is "Wonk this Way" about the Roosevelt Institution, a student
think tank.  You might need a subscription to access the online article.

or http://chronicle.com/students/ 

Read the whole story.  Share it.  Highlight the
library/research/networking sentence.

Best wishes.
- Jackie
Jackie Siminitus, MLS, Library Advocate, AT&T California
795 Folsom Street, Room 517-N1, San Francisco, CA 94107
415-644-7112 : jacquelyn.siminitus at att.com
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