[Bpslabpersonnel] PhD Defense of Israel Jiménez-Luna on Monday, May 24th from 11 am to 12 pm

Laura McGeehan laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu
Fri May 14 08:52:58 PDT 2021

​Dear All,

The Plant Biology Graduate Program is proud to announce the PhD Defense of Israel Jiménez-Luna
presented on Zoom on Monday, May 24th from 11 am to 12 pm:




Laura McGeehan, Ph.D.

Graduate Student Services Advisor for Plant Biology, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology

1140 Batchelor Hall, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu<mailto:laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu> Phone: 951-827-5688, Toll Free: 800-735-0717, FAX: 951-827-5517

Preferred pronouns: she/her/they<https://www.mypronouns.org/>

We are working remotely during regular business hours and will respond to e-mails as quickly as possible.

For more information on our graduate programs, please fill out an interest form:

Microbiology: https://connect.ucr.edu/register/MCBL

Plant Biology: https://connect.ucr.edu/register/PLBL

Plant Pathology: https://connect.ucr.edu/register/PLPA

CUSP<https://cnasgrad.ucr.edu/cusp> Career Mentoring of URM STEM Students for the Professoriate

CNAS Graduate Student Affairs Center (GSAC)<https://cnasgrad.ucr.edu/>

Schedule of Classes, Academic Calendar<https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar>

UCR Graduate Division<https://graduate.ucr.edu/regulations-and-procedures>


UCR Counseling Services<https://counseling.ucr.edu/>
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