[Botanystaff] FW: [SAA-announce] Deployment of Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Application-MVP

April M Meinzer april.meinzer at ucr.edu
Mon Jan 15 10:18:22 PST 2024

Good morning,

For those that will need access to complete the non-payroll cost transfers, please review the guide listed below and watch the quick demo.

Once completed, please send me an email confirmation and I will then add you into EACs for access.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  Thank you.

April Meinzer
Financial Administrative Officer
Botany and Plant Sciences, #2106
Phone:  951-827-3839
Fax:        951-827-4437
april.meinzer at ucr.edu<mailto:april.meinzer at ucr.edu>

In-person office hours:  Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Virtual office hours:  Monday & Tuesday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

From: SAA-announce <saa-announce-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of Bobbi McCracken
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2024 7:43 PM
To: 'msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu' <msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu>; saa-announce <saa-announce at lists.ucr.edu>
Cc: Impact23 <impact23 at ucr.edu>; Asirra Suguitan <asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu>
Subject: [SAA-announce] Deployment of Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Application-MVP

Dear colleagues,

The Impact23 team is pleased to announce the deployment of the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer application.  The Non-Payroll Cost Transfer is the new method to move non-payroll costs.  The application will ensure the transfers:

  *   Conform to pre-established business rules

  *   Provide an audit trail of transferred costs

  *   Contain supporting documentation such as approvals, comments, and attachments

  *   Validate COA values and combinations prior to routing and generating a journal feed

  *   Adhere to journal feed requirements for GL and/or Project related transactions

Since July 2023, when our new Chart of Accounts and financial systems were deployed, there has been a critical need to make corrections to previously posted transactions.  The Salary Cost Transfer tool was deployed in October 2023.  Campus stakeholders requested the non-payroll application be delivered as quickly as possible.  Therefore, the initial non-payroll cost transfer functionality is the Minimal Viable Product (MVP).  Enhancements to the application will be prioritized and released regularly as work is completed.

Please coordinate the following actions in your unit to begin using the new Non-Payroll Cost Transfer application:

  1.  Ensure staff that will be using the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer application have reviewed the MVP User Guide<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1urzyFMdNUTo9CTmVMdgtUzBHiBsC6AS0/view?usp=sharing> and short demonstration video.
     *   Please be take note of the approval routing
     *   Special attention should be given to the Known Issue section.
  2.  Once training has been completed, Department SAA's should provision the Transactor and Approver roles.  Cost transfers cannot be submitted without an established Approver role in an Accountability Structure
  3.  Plan to attend the Financial Reporting & Boundary System Office Hours on 1/17 at 3pm if you have questions about the Non-Payroll Cost Transfer:  https://ucr.zoom.us/j/93787188359

If issues other than the items described in the Known Issue section of the guide are encountered, please submit a support ticket using the "COA Guidance & Cost Transfer Support" category.  Suggestions for enhancements may also be submitted via a support ticket<https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal>; these suggestions will be evaluated and prioritized for future releases

Thank you for your collaboration and patience.


Bobbi McCracken
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller (retiring)
Business & Financial Services

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