[Botanypostdoc] FW: Postdoctoral position in Integrative Biology

Mariella J Valdivia mariella.valdivia at ucr.edu
Tue Oct 4 14:46:43 PDT 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Could you please send the following postdoctoral opportunity to any possible candidates?

Thanks in advance,



The Maloof<http://malooflab.phytonetworks.org/>, Magney<https://magneylab.ucdavis.edu/>, and Gremer<https://gremerlab.faculty.ucdavis.edu/> labs, and science educator Jamison-McClung<https://biotech.ucdavis.edu/program-overview> at UC Davis are recruiting a postdoctoral scholar for research and training as part of a collaborative, interdisciplinary research project.  This NSF-funded project seeks to integrate quantitative genetics, genomics, ecology, and remote sensing to understand and predict plant population persistence in the face of climate change. More details about the project can be found on the NSF’s abstract page<https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2129589&HistoricalAwards=false> and in the attached PDF.

Julin Maloof
Department of Plant Biology
1 Shields Ave
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752 8077

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