[Botanygraduatestudents] Update on COVID vaccine and testing

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Wed Feb 3 17:18:16 PST 2021

Hi everyone,  I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Two updates:

1.  COVID testing is now quite readily available. We don’t require anyone to be tested, but I encourage you to get tested if you are concerned about the possibility of having been exposed,  Probably the most convenient place to be tested is at the drive-through Curative/City of Riverside site that opened on campus in late December.  https://curative.com/sites/16577#9/33.9813/-117.331. they have plenty of availability.
It is located in Parking Lot 26, by the baseball fields:  https://campusmap.ucr.edu/?loc=Lot26

When you make an appointment, you will be asked for insurance information, but there is no charge for getting a test at this site.  I understand that there has been some confusion about this.  There are testing sites that charge quite a lot, but for this location, there is no charge.

2.  COVID vaccine.  Vaccine doses remain in limited supply, but that seems to be improving.  I believe all graduate students who need to be on campus to do research fall under Phase 1B.

If you are a GSR or on fellowship, ask your major professor (or the faculty member you are rotating with)  to provide a letter stating that you are employed as a GSR and that your work can’t be done remotely. They have a template.  When you go for an appointment you will need a photo ID - do not use your student ID, as this might lead them to decide you don’t qualify.

If you are a TA this quarter, I can provide a letter for you, or ask the course instructor.

Getting an appointment is still challenging, but here are some sites to try.  New appointments are released sporadically, so keep checking.


I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.  I’m also available to meet with the grad students as a group if you would like.


Patricia Springer
Professor and Chair, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA  92521

pspringer at ucr.edu<mailto:pspringer at ucr.edu>
bpschair at ucr.edu
951-827-4413 (Chair's office)
951-827-5785 (Faculty office)

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