[Biomed_students_phd] Share pictures, art, and more for this years BMSC Recognition Ceremony

Rebecca Hernandez rhern156 at ucr.edu
Wed May 25 17:47:40 PDT 2022

Hello Everyone,

As Hermila announced earlier this month, our Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Recognition Ceremony (Previously Awards Ceremony) will be held on Friday, June 10 from 4:00-6:00pm at the UCR Alumni & Visitor Center
We encourage everyone to attend and to help spread the word to your labs and fellow colleagues!

Similar to previous years, we will be incorporating the poetry contest, positivity jar and a photo slideshow where anyone can upload photos and memories from this past year.
We encourage everyone to participate in the poetry and positivity jar submissions as well as upload some fun pictures for the slideshow!

Your participation is essential to making this event a success! Students, faculty, and staff are all encouraged to make submission for the following activities:

Art competition submissions: https://forms.gle/yZ9r7b8qDKk4vqtp7
Poetry competition submissions: https://forms.gle/AMbfpWavhzUYJPXZA
Positivity Jar submissions: https://forms.gle/5kRCjvbej9tE3spU9
Photos for the slide show submission: https://forms.gle/DpEjHwwiu1whM6B38

As always, the survey responses will be anonymous. However, if you are submitting a poem, we ask that you put your name at the bottom in order to give credit to the winner of the contest.

Please feel free to contact myself or Laura Dovek about any questions or concerns regarding the survey or access to the links.

*Keep a lookout for these other surveys to be sent out later this week*
Best Lecturer for Didactic lectures (1st and 2nd year PhD and Masters students only)
Best Lecturer for Seminar series (open to all students)
Magnificent mentor (open to all students)
Phenomenal Faculty (open to all students)
Best Pizza Friday Presentation (open to all students and faculty)
Best first year Pizza Friday Presentation (open to all students and faculty)

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