[Biomed_students_phd] T32 application - demographics survey

biomedsci biomedsci at medsch.ucr.edu
Fri Apr 29 13:44:36 PDT 2022

Dear Graduate Students,

The Biomedical Sciences and Neuroscience graduate programs are submitting an application to NIH for a T32 training grant to support our graduate students.  As part of the application, NIH requires that we submit demographic data that has not previously been collected for our graduate student population. To collect this information in an anonymous fashion, we will be sending out a Qualtrics survey asking:

  1.  Do you have a disability? (yes, no, decline to state)
  2.  Do you come from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background? (yes, no, decline to state)
  3.  Have you served, or are you currently serving in the US Army, US Army Reserve, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, or the Space Force? (yes, no, decline to state)

This data will be collected anonymously and added to our graphs showing the overall demographics of our graduate student populations as required by NIH.  When you receive the emailed link for the Qualtrics survey next week, we respectfully ask you to complete the survey, even if you wish to answer decline to state for all three questions.  Please respond no later than, May 6 (noon).

Thank you for your help, your engagement and your participation as we apply for additional NIH support and resources for our graduate programs!

Monica Carson, Khaleel Razak and Viji Santhakumar

Monica J. Carson, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Biomedical Sciences
S. Sue Johnson Presidential Endowed Chair

                Director, Center for Glial-Neuronal Interactions
                University of California Riverside, School of Medicine
                Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Neuroinflammation

                Executive Administrative Assistant: Maribel Velarde
               Maribel.velarde at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:Maribel.velarde at medsch.ucr.edu>           951-827-9150
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