[Biomed_students_phd] BMSC 252 and 254 Zoom etiquettes

Seema K. Tiwari-Woodruff Seema.Tiwari-Woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu
Tue Nov 2 22:00:19 PDT 2021

Dear Biomed Faculty, Students, and Staff

We are really enjoying the Monday and Friday Seminars. I really appreciate your attendance, questions, and feedback. I am looking forward to in person Seminar Series next quarter (with Pizza for Friday series and without Pizza for the Monday series).
Recently a few faculty members made some very constructive suggestions to increase engagement during the seminars and simultaneously provide training and confidence during question answer sessions.

So-  two huge requests--- I hope you all would comply:

  1.  Faculty and Students: Is it possible to turn on the camera while we listen to the seminar via Zoom the remainder of the year?  Give the speakers the opportunity to see our glowing beautiful faces. I understand if for personal reasons you do not want to turn your camera one day, but I would love to see your face the rest of the days.
  2.  Graduate Students: Would 5 graduate students volunteer to come prepared with a question for the upcoming speakers? You can talk among you and decide which ones will ask the questions.

Next quarter- in person; I will email 5 graduate students to be prepared with questions. Considering number of students in the Biomed Div,  each will get to ask questions 2-3 times/quarter. Let me know if someone has any comments or better suggestions.

Best regards


Seema Kaushalya Tiwari-Woodruff, PhD
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences
Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine, University of California Riverside
Rm 3140,  Multidisciplinary Research Building
900 University Ave,  Riverside, CA 92521
Office: (951) 827-7819
Lab: (951) 827-7583
Email: seema.tiwari-woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:seema.tiwari-woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu>
Email: seema-tiwari-woodruff at axonremyelination.org<mailto:seema-tiwari-woodruff at axonremyelination.org>

President  of American Society of Neurochemistry (2021-2023)

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