[Biomed_students_masters] Important: Attendance at BMSC 252 and 254

Seema K. Tiwari-Woodruff Seema.Tiwari-Woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu
Fri May 28 12:27:10 PDT 2021

Dear BMSC Students,

Hope you all are doing well. Your attendance in seminars is essential. It has come to my attention that many students are not attending or arriving late to the BMSC 252 (Mondays) and 254 (Pizza Friday) seminar courses.
Attendance is mandatory (as you are given a grade) for all students when there is a schedule seminar presentation. Unaccounted absence will be noted and grades affected.

We acknowledge there are instances when emergencies come up and you may have to miss the seminar. We request that you email Hermila Torres and me  to inform us of any unexpected absence from the sessions.

There are only 2 weeks left in the spring term and we expect to see all students promptly attending these remaining seminars.

We have been regularly noting absences and late attendances.

Best regards


Seema Kaushalya Tiwari-Woodruff, PhD
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences
Director, Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine, University of California Riverside
Rm 3140,  Multidisciplinary Research Building
900 University Ave,  Riverside, CA 92521
Office: (951) 827-7819
Lab: (951) 827-7583
Email: seema.tiwari-woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:seema.tiwari-woodruff at medsch.ucr.edu>
Email: seema-tiwari-woodruff at axonremyelination.org<mailto:seema-tiwari-woodruff at axonremyelination.org>

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