[Biomed_postdocs] Postdoctoral Fellow UCSF

Hermila Torres Hermila.Torres at medsch.ucr.edu
Wed Mar 10 14:41:08 PST 2021


The Shum lab at UCSF is recruiting talented and highly motivated individuals to join our team as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar (http://shumlab.ucsf.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__shumlab.ucsf.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=LsLxleeqPm1pgCNn-PN_bQ&r=2ZflV17WVuZY3wm4bXuGDb4l8-NvTkoWu14DJyHKGOU&m=6Sl9JKi5_q5MTjYeL4GAQz1plzNfvem15cdSBmOXZhM&s=80sckCYzbhal-s-EL05selCtxCvgOpA2xBaPgJsGybY&e=>). We are members of the UCSF Immunology Program, Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Graduate Program and the Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI). We study rare Mendelian disorders of immune dysregulation in humans and mice and have a particular interest in STING signaling, lung disease pathogenesis and immune cell-stromal cell interactions.  Experience in cellular immunology, multi-color flow cytometry, and molecular and cellular immunology is required. Candidates must have a recent PhD in immunology, cell or molecular biology or related fields. Applicants must be able to design and conduct experiments, prepare and present research findings at meetings and write scientific manuscripts. The successful candidate will be a highly motivated individual with an outstanding publication record, excellent written and oral communication skills in English with the ability to work independently. Interested applicants should submit to Dr. Anthony Shum by email at anthony.shum at ucsf.edu<mailto:anthony.shum at ucsf.edu>:

1) a cover letter outlining research accomplishments
2) CV
3) a list of three references with contact information including mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.

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