[Bgsa] ASN Research Award

Matthew Wolak matthew.wolak at email.ucr.edu
Mon Nov 12 13:36:39 PST 2012

Hello all,

The American Society of Naturalists just advertised a research award for
Ph.D. students who have passed their candidacy exams.  I think this is new,
so I thought I would pass it along.


*Applications for the 2013 ASN Student Research Awards*

The ASN Student Research Awards support research by student members that
advances the goals of the society: the conceptual unification of ecology,
evolution, and behavior. Each award consists of a $2,000 check to the
candidate. An applicant must be a member of the ASN (membership is
international), must hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent, must have
passed to candidacy in a PhD program or equivalent, and must be at least
one year from completing the PhD. Applicants should send a two-page
proposal (not including references). In addition, applicants should include
a budget with justification (one page), a short curriculum vitae (two
pages), a statement from the PhD supervisor that verifies that the
applicant meets the eligibility requirements, and the supervisor's
recommendation supporting the research proposed by the student (one page).
Projects in all types of research (i.e., laboratory, field, theory) are
encouraged to apply. A total of six proposals will receive awards.
Proposals will be judged on originality, strength, and significance of the
questions being addressed; prospects for significant results; and the match
between the proposed research and the ASN's mission. All materials should
be compiled into one PDF file and sent via e-mail to John K. Kelly at
jkk at ku.edu <jkk at ku.edu?subject=>, with "ASN Student Research Award" in the
subject line. The deadline for submission of all materials is January 31,
2013. More information is available at


Matthew Wolak
PhD Candidate
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology Graduate Program
University of California Riverside
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