[Bgsa] Job search update

Anne Jacobs ajaco005 at ucr.edu
Thu Mar 15 15:15:00 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

Now that our tentative short list of job candidates has been
officially approved by the faculty, the affirmative action office,
etc., we can give you guys the names of the candidates we're trying to
invite for interviews.  Bear in mind that this is who we want to
interview; given how late we're looking, however, some of these
candidates may get job offers before we can get them out here, in
which case they may or may not actually come.

In alphabetical order, they are:
Frances Bonier
Christopher Clark
Lara LaDage (alternate)
Joel McGlothlin
Daniel Warner

We'll probably have some kind of lunch meeting for the graduate
students to ask questions of the candidates.  I'll let you know more
about those when we have further details.  I'll also try to see about
getting you guys access to the candidates' CVs (most of them probably
have these on their websites, but it still might be nice to have these
sent around for ease of access).  Other application materials, like
the research and teaching statements, are more closely guarded; I'll
see whether or not we can arrange to have them available at the front
office again.

Anne Jacobs

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