[Bgsa] Meeting to Discuss Job Candidates

Anne Jacobs ajaco005 at ucr.edu
Tue Apr 10 22:05:27 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

As you're all aware, we are currently looking for a job candidate to
take over the Behavioral Ecology opening in our department.  The third
and final candidate will be here on Thursday and Friday of this week,
and the department is hoping to make a final decision shortly after
that.  Given that many of you have reviewed the candidates, listened
to their talks, and spoken with them at the lunches, it's only fair
that you have some way of giving your opinion on who we should hire.
To that end, I'm setting up a meeting to discuss the matter.

Where: The Darwin Room
When: Monday, April 16th at 5:00 PM

By Monday, everyone will have had the chance to see all three of the
candidates and assess them.  We can debate the merits of each one and
take a vote.  This will help me when I go to the faculty meeting and
represent the grad students there.  While we technically don't get to
vote on who to hire, our opinion is "taken into consideration" by the
faculty.  If you can't make the meeting, and you would still like to
endorse one of the candidates, you can send me your choice by email
before Tuesday afternoon.

I hope to see you all there!

Anne Jacobs

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