[Bgsa] car for sale $3250 (and yard sale announcement)

Trynke Reinouw De Jong tyrnke.dejong at ucr.edu
Tue Sep 6 17:14:53 PDT 2011

Hi All,

Since I will be moving across the Atlantic in a couple of weeks, we have to sell our car! It is a silver/gold Nissan Altima from 2001 and has 127,000 miles. We bought it 3 years a go from Carmax, who guaranteed us that it had a clean record, and we have never had any major issues (accident or otherwise) with it. Condition is good, which makes the Blue Book value around $3,500. The car is not pretty or exceptional in any way, but it has served us really well in the last three years and we would have surely driven it for another few years if we didn't have to leave! 

If you are interested, please let me know and I can either send you some photo's, or set up a time when you can come over to test drive it, take it to a mechanic, ask us questions, whichever you prefer!

On another note: we will be having a yard sale on saturday morning September 17th! Come by to check our stuff out, or just to have a chat and some coffee!

Address: 115 E. Blaine Street, Riverside


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