[Bgsa] dance improv. class this weekend

Carla Essenberg cesse001 at student.ucr.edu
Thu Oct 27 15:43:02 PDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

If you're looking for something to do this Saturday afternoon and/or
feel like there isn't enough dancing in your life, there's a dance
improvisation class you might enjoy.  This is one of a series that
started this summer - my husband and I have been to several and really
enjoyed them.  They are being taught by a local modern dance
instructor, Sue Roginski (she teaches at Riverside Community College
and Mt. San Jacinto College), and are pitched for people who haven't
danced before.  The focus is on trying out new ways of moving, rather
than on producing something that looks good (although when I've been
able to stand back and watch, I've enjoyed it), so it really is very
easy to get into - even for someone like me who feels pretty hopeless
at improvisation in other contexts.  The instructor and the people who
have come to the classes are friendly and positive, and although it is
a series, they're structured so that people can start at any point.

So, if you want to come, it is at 3pm (ending at 4:30 or 5) this
Saturday at Source Studio in downtown Riverside (there is parking
behind the building), at 1760 California Ave., and it costs $8.  If
you can't come this time but might want to come another time, let me
know and I'll find out when the next one is for you.



Carla Essenberg
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside

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