[Bgsa] Recycling collection

Anne Jacobs ajaco005 at ucr.edu
Wed Jul 20 17:20:55 PDT 2011

Hi guys!

Now that Benny is leaving us for the wilds of Canada, we currently have no
one in charge of the recycling.  I'm still out in the field and won't be
back in Riverside for a few more weeks, and I'd really appreciate it if
someone could collect and turn in the recycling for this month before I get
back.  If you're willing to help, I can send you a list of the locations of
boxes that are still left (we've had a few go feral over the years,
unfortunately) as well as the possible drop off locations.  I'll work on
coordinating future collections once I get back.  The recycling provides a
nice source of income for the BGSA, especially at a time when lots of funds
are drying up, so I'd be really grateful if someone could take this on until
I get back.  Please let me know if you're interested.


Anne Jacobs
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