[Bgsa] More on the Budget

Matthew Wolak matthew.wolak at email.ucr.edu
Tue Feb 1 12:37:49 PST 2011

Dear all,

Thank you for your response to my last e-mail.  It was very helpful.  Also,
sorry if I was a little short on details, but I didn't want burden you with
too much in one email.  To be brief, I have written a letter and had some of
you read/edit it.  We are now going to give it to Chancellor White.  The
letter tries to persuade (or at least it voices our needs) the Chancellor
that he should in no way reduce the number of TA positions currently
available to our program.  I've attached this letter, if anyone would like
to suggest any changes I would be welcome to hear from them.  However,
timing is of the essence and we need to get this letter to him ASAP.
Therefore, if you want your comments to be considered before we deliver the
letter, please respond back today.

If anyone would like more specifics on what the budget situation is like and
the outlook for graduate students, I would be happy to fill any and all in
on this.

See you at seminar today ;)
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