[Bgsa] Science Fair Expo -- Tomorrow, SATURDAY OCTOBER 2nd 9am-1pm

Breanna Harris bharr002 at ucr.edu
Fri Oct 1 15:47:25 PDT 2010

Here's another copy of outreach info from Mike Horton...just in case you
lost or accidentally deleted the prior emails :)

If you're interested in #2 below let me know and we can carpool (still
working on the location, i've emailed Mike).

Also, If you decide to do the Expo (or any other event) don't forget to keep
track for our EEOBGSA records.

Thanks and enjoy the weekend!


1) Be a county science fair judge.  The better the quality of the judging,
the better we can identify projects that will be successful at the next
level.  Please contact Tracy Rivas (trivas at rcoe.us) to get more information
about judging.  It's only about a 5 hour commitment one day a year.

2) Be a guest at our "Science Fair Expo".  On Saturday, October 2nd we are
inviting all students, teachers, and parents in Riverside and San Bernardino
Counties to come together to learn how to create an award-winning project.
We will have breakout sessions with guest speakers and an area where
students can ask a scientist about their project.  We need your help in
answering student questions and consulting on project ideas.  The students
will be instructed that they may ask how to improve their topic, how to test
their hypothesis with good science, what data to collect to answer their
question, etc.  The Expo will be from 9:00-1:00 in Riverside, but you can
come and go as needed.  If one of the students' ideas or one of the students
themselves impresses you, then you might consider option 3 or 4.

3) Mentor a student via email.  We will put together a list of
scientists/professors who are willing to answer student questions and
provide them to our science fair coordinators.  Or, you can connect directly
with a student whose area of interest matches your research area and mentor
them via email directly.

4) Bring a student into your lab to work with you on a project.  Some
students are willing to come to your lab over the summer or after school to
work on advanced projects.  Many of these projects are the ones that place
in the top 3 at the state.

5) Teacher workshops If you have an NSF or other grant that requires
outreach, I can help you set up a cadre of teachers to train to take your
work back to the classrooms with them.  Several models are already in place
and increasing the amount of hands-on science in our K-12 classrooms
benefits everyone.

6) Visit a classroom  Teachers love it when scientists come to their
classrooms to talk about science.  I can help you find what grade level your
area of expertise fits best in and connect you to a school close to your
home or office.  Graduate students are particularly welcome to be school
science ambassadors.

If you are interested in any of these ideas and want more details, please
contact me (mhorton at rcoe.us, 951-826-6729) or Rick Hall (
rick_hall at sbcss.k12.ca.us, 909-386-2611).  If you'd like to talk about other
ways of improving science education in the region, feel free to contact us
Thank you in advance for helping students experience real, cutting-edge
science.  This email is going out to 1,000 people at 8 institutions.  We
hope to have 100 volunteers on October 2nd.

Michael Horton
Science Coordinator
Riverside County Office of Education
District and School Success Center
3939 Thirteenth Street
P.O. Box 868
Riverside, CA 92502-0868
(951) 826-6729
[951] 826-6937 FAX
mhorton at rcoe.us

Breanna N. Harris
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
lab phone: (951) 827-5929
email: bharr002 at ucr.edu
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