[Bgsa] invitation to political discussion potlucks

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 30 12:08:36 PDT 2010

I am planning on regularly hosting potlucks (~once a month) for the purpose of socializing and discussing politics. I find that I am never as informed about the issues of the day as I'd like to be, and I suspect many others feel the same, so I figure, why not pool our resources and at least be more informed together than we would be on our own. I have already had one potluck to brain-storm issues of interest. I envision focusing on a particular issue during each potluck, and each participant would contribute one or two articles on that issue preferably to be sent out via email to the other participants before the potluck (if an electronic version is available) so we can all read each others articles and come to the potluck ready for discussion.

The next potluck will be on Friday August 27th at 6:30pm and will be on healthcare. If any of you are interested in coming, let me know. Alternatively, if you simply want to be on the email list and send out articles for generating email discussion, or if you don't want to look for articles but want to come to the potluck and absorb as much as you can, you are welcome to do so. If you are interested in coming on the 27th, let me know what you'd like to bring so I can fill in any gaps.

Sub-topics of relevant to the healthcare debate that you may want to look for articles about include:
    -Obesity - government vs. individual rights
    -parts of healthcare bill
    -single payer vs. market-based
    -insurance regulation
    -decision power - insurance, govt., patients, doctors
    -drug patents
    -malpractice lawsuits
    -source of costs



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