[Bgsa] Anyone's lab have a few spare wide tubes?

Carla Essenberg cesse001 at student.ucr.edu
Mon Jul 5 09:25:07 PDT 2010

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for 1-2 tubes to make into insect killing tubes and
wonder if anyone has any of a size that will fit my stoppers.  They'd
need to have openings that were around 2.5 cm wide.  Glass would
certainly work and plastic probably would (some plastics react with my
killing agent, ethyl acetate, but others don't).  If you have anything
that fits that description but aren't sure whether it's okay to give
them away, I'm happy to approach your PI about them...

Many thanks!


Carla Essenberg
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside

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