[Bgsa] Lunch Bunch talks

Priya Balasubramaniam pbala001 at ucr.edu
Mon Sep 7 22:58:06 PDT 2009

Dear fellow graduate students

We are in need of volunteers to give talks during Lunch Bunch in the
upcoming Fall quarter. Students planning to defend during the quarter are
welcome to give presentations during Lunch Bunch. New students are
encouraged to take this opportunity to present research they have been
involved with earlier. This would also be a great opportunity to receive
feed back for students who are farther along in their research. We would
also welcome talks given by students at conferences held during the summer.
If any you would be interested in giving a talk, please let me know as soon
as possible.

Additionally, if you would like to invite a speaker  to give a talk, please
let me know their contact details. Due to the budget crunch, it would be
great if speakers are sourced from driving distance to Riverside as we are
able to only reimburse for mileage. Speaker suggestions can also include
faculty and post-docs from UCR.


Graduate Student
Department of Biology
1208 Spieth Hall
University of California, Riverside
CA 92521
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