[Bgsa] goals for the EEOBGSA this year

Carla Essenberg cesse001 at student.ucr.edu
Mon Jun 29 10:19:37 PDT 2009

Dear fellow graduate students,

As we plan for the coming year, Adrienne and I would like to hear what your
priorities are for the EEOBGSA.  We know that a lot of people are interested
in doing T-shirts this year and that there is interest in putting together
an outreach program, so we are planning to facilitate both of those efforts.
What are other things that you would like to see happen this year?  If there
are things you would like to see changed or new things that you would like
the EEOBGSA to do, big or small, please let us know.


Carla and Adrienne

Carla Essenberg
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
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