[Bgsa] time is available to meet with Locke Rowe

Carla Essenberg cesse001 at student.ucr.edu
Wed Apr 1 14:24:14 PDT 2009

Hello all,

Dr. Reznick would like everyone to know that there are still time
slots available if you would like to meet with Locke Rowe, this week's
Thursday seminar speaker.  The times still available are Thursday
between 1 and 2 and Friday afternoon.  Locke Rowe's website can be
found at


and says the following about what he works on:

"Research in the lab falls broadly into the field of evolutionary
ecology with an emphasis on the evolution of life histories and mating
systems. We develop new theory and test existing theory with a variety
of organisms. Currently our empirical studies focus on insects
(bruchid beetles, Drosophila, damselflies, and water striders). Past
research has included work on bruchid beetles, carrion flies, ambush
bugs, dace and guppies."

If you would like to meet with Dr. Rowe, please email Dr. Reznick
(david.reznick at ucr.edu).  DO NOT REPLY TO ME!  (I do not have Dr.
Rowe's schedule).



Carla Essenberg
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside

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