[Bgsa] Recycling Committee

bharr002 at student.ucr.edu bharr002 at student.ucr.edu
Wed May 7 15:17:06 PDT 2008

Hey Everyone,
So after last week's meeting it seems like people are interested in having a recycling committee of sorts.  I have made a sign-up sheet for the rest of 2008 (it is spilt into three jobs but we can change that depending on what works best). Currently there is a spot for collection, sorting, and redemption.  It may be easier for one person, or a pair of people, to do all three of these for any given month (that way you don't have to coordinate with someone else). 

Here are some important points:
When to Collect:
I have been doing this around the beginning of each month when I have time. I am thinking the best time will just be monthly, sticking with the same date we use this month.

What to Do--Collecting:
Collect all boxes (see map) and either 1) sort them if you want to do bulk or 2) just keep them as is if you want to turn in containers individually.
Replace trash bags afterwards.  We can purchase some to keep in the cabinet or just harass the custodial staff (I also try to mix them while collecting to minimize the number of replacement bags needed).

What to do--Redemption:
There are three places you can take the items
1) Stater Bros on Iowa open 9:00 (or 8:30 sorry can't remember)-4:30 daily 
2) Behind Ralphs at Canyon Crest Center Open 9:00-5:00 (i think)
3) Next to Food 4 Less on Chicago and University. Not sure on the hours but I think it is 9:00-4:30.
Turn in items.  We are supposed to report our "tonnage" to Bob Slater at the physical plant. Either copy/scan the print out you get from the center OR if you do individual items record the number we had and bring the recipt from the store for our records.

I think that is the bulk of everything.  I have an excel file that I have attached to this email (note: see various tabs). We can keep this on the mail room computer so everyone can access it. 

I'm excited you guys want to keep this going!! Let me know if you have any questions.  If you want to help out please just put your name in the designated spot (corner on bottom right) of the sign hanging on the door in the mail room and sign up for a month. Or if you think this need improving email me and we can figure it out!!

Happy Recycling!

Breanna Harris
PhD Student
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Office/Lab: (951) 827-5929  
Cell: (330) 322-5282
Email:  bharr002 at student.ucr.edu

*Please consider the environment before printing this email*

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