[Bgsa] Recycling Effort

Sharon Coe sharon.coe at ucr.edu
Mon Jan 7 09:40:47 PST 2008

Thanks to Bre for all of the work on this! It's hard to believe that the UC Regents can claim that they own all of the recycling on campus...and require Bre to report income from it! That seems pretty ridiculous!

If the bins are being emptied by someone else (either for profit or not) it seems likely that this will continue to show minimal $ returns. My opinion is that at the very least, it's good that the  materials are being recycled...but if the point was to make $ for BGSA, some creative solution may be required...

Sharon Coe
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521


sharon.coe at ucr.edu

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon,  7 Jan 2008 09:20:42 -0800 (PST)
>From: <bharr002 at student.ucr.edu>  
>Subject: [Bgsa] Recycling Effort  
>To: BGSA <bgsa at lists.ucr.edu>
>Hi Everyone,
>       Hope you all had a great holiday break.  I just wanted to send out an update on our current recycling situation.   Right before break I was contacted by people in the Physical Plant about our recycling effort. They liked the idea but were not sure if we could continue because all recyclables apparently belong to U.C. Regents.  As it turns out our project is still a go, so good news there.  Each month, we now need to email a scanned copy or mail a photocopy of the receipt from Stater Brothers (or wherever the recycling is turned in) to Bob Slater at the Physical Plant (bob.slater at ucr.edu).  
>        As for our profits from the end of November to January 3 I was quite disappointed (grand total of $4.65).  There is currently a total of 8 boxes in Speith, ULB, and LSP, and only 3 of them still had items inside.  The bags had been changed in the others (I know this because they were tied off and I didn’t do that last time) and one was missing entirely (from what I recall it was on the first floor of Speith before break).   I am not sure how we can prevent people from empting our boxes. I have already had an email sent to custodial services, and I am going to put signs on each box.  If anyone has any suggestions feel free to let me know.  I am also going to draw a ‘map’ of the box locations and put it in the locker in the lounge for future collection reference.
>	On another note I have contacted Shipping and Receiving about getting a few more boxes, if you would like one by your area please let me know (I know Dr. Maslov wanted a box by his office).
>	Thanks for your efforts; hopefully we can get this up and running efficiently. 
>Bre Harris
>Breanna Harris
>PhD Student
>Department of Biology
>University of California
>Riverside, CA 92521
>Office/Lab: (951) 827-5929  
>Cell: (330) 322-5282
>Email:  bharr002 at student.ucr.edu
>BGSA mailing list
>BGSA at lists.ucr.edu

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