[Bgsa] Recycle!

bharr002 at student.ucr.edu bharr002 at student.ucr.edu
Tue Apr 8 07:59:56 PDT 2008

Hi All,
I have noticed that some of the recycle boxes are getting pretty full. Do you guys think you guys could pull the full bags out of the boxes near you offices and either 1) bring them to the Saltzman Lab (3391) or 2) just set then in your office area?? This would really make things easier. And it would be super helpful if you could email me once they are collected so I can get a tally and get a new bag in there. 

I am also hoping to get a volunteer or two to help me drop off the items later this week.......Any Takers??

ps I have attached a list of where recycle boxes are located.
Breanna Harris
PhD Student
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Office/Lab: (951) 827-5929  
Cell: (330) 322-5282
Email:  bharr002 at student.ucr.edu
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