[Bgsa] Information on Fee Increases

Martin Turcotte martin.turcotte at email.ucr.edu
Mon Aug 27 14:21:41 PDT 2007

This information was provided by the GSA:

As you may know, our quarterly fees were just increased from $105.00 to 
$199.18 starting Fall 2007.  This is the "out-of-pocket" expenditure 
that every biology student must make regardless of whether they are a 
GSR, TA, etc. 
     This fee increase is attributable to two sources: a GSA fee 
increase, and a Student Center fee increase.
     The GSA fee increase was voted on and approved by the graduate 
student body last spring and represents an increase of $4.18/quarter 
(from $20.00/quarter to $24.18/quarter).  This is something that all 
graduate students who voted for this increase were made aware of during 
the last election cycle.
     The Student Center fees were increased by $90.00/quarter (from 
$20.00/quarter to $110.00/quarter).  This comprises the majority of the 
overall fee increase (96%).  Michelle Bierman has said that the fee 
increase represents a cost passed on to students from the construction 
of the new Student Commons Center.  In other words, all graduate 
students will be paying an additional $270.00 a year "out-of-pocket" to 
fund the new Commons. 
      Given that many people in the biology department may not have 
checked their recent financial statements on GROWL, this may come as 
unexpected and unwelcome news.  You may want to forward this e-mail 
on the BGSA listserve. 

~Evolutionary biology...is the nexus of all other biological sciences.~
	-- Richard C. Lewontin (1983) --

Martin Turcotte, B.Sc.
Ph.D. Program in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
Dept. of Biology
Office #: ??
Cell:	951-662-8904
1208 Spieth Hall
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
martin.turcotte at email.ucr.edu

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