[Bgsa] recycle ink cartridge and get free paper!

Sharon Coe coes01 at student.ucr.edu
Sat Sep 16 13:35:12 PDT 2006

Hi everyone,

If you want to do good and not send your printer ink cartridge to the landfill, consider recycling it and get a bonus. If you haven't heard, an awesome deal is offered by Office Depot...they will accept your ink cartridge and recycle it, and in return they'll give you a free pack of Office Depot printer/photocopy paper (yes, a full 3" pack)! Or, if you are buying something at their store and prefer a discount, they'll give you an immediate cash credit of $3 on a purchase!

Note: there is a limit of one printer cartridge per person per day. Also, apparently there are some limitations on the type of cartridges they accept (they took my Hewlett-Packard one, but mentioned that they don't take some Canon. Call to ask if you're unsure). I haven't asked about laser printer cartridges.

For anyone ambitious enough and if enough interest existed, BGSA could enroll in an ink cartridge recycling program as a money maker. There are several of programs online that will give cash for large quantities of cartridges, although they also have restrictions on the ones they'll pay for. Hard to say if it would really be worth it if grad students aren't generating a lot of ink cartridges....and most of us might find it worth the treck to Office Depot for free paper.

Anyway, help the environment and don't throw away your cartridges...Office Depot will probably accept them at the least for recycling without a paper/cash reward if your type isn't on their list...


Sharon Coe
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521


coes01 at student.ucr.edu

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