[Bgsa] copy machine on 2nd floor

Sharon Coe coes01 at student.ucr.edu
Thu Oct 12 10:03:18 PDT 2006

Hi everyone,

You, like me, might have recently discovered that while the copy machine is now fixed, it requires a copy code. And as far as I can tell, your former copy code from last year will not work (my didn't). 

I emailed Charlene, and she investigated. She spoke with  Kathy Redd, Director of the Graduate Advising Center, and Kathy said that it is up to the individual graduate program to decide whether or not they want to issue codes to their graduate students and have it charged to a dept account or if the grad student's PI should be paying for the copy jobs.  


Charlene said she would email Michelle, the Graduate Advisor for EEOB, and ask her about copy codes for the Bio grad students.  

So, hopefully this info will help you to avoid severe frustration from heading to the copier with the reasonable expectation of actually being able to copy something, and being shut out....

Sharon Coe
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521


coes01 at student.ucr.edu

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