[Bgsa] buy tickets from Laramy

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 4 15:17:58 PDT 2006

Hello all. I will be out of town this week, so if you
would like to buy tickets for the prom, please see
Laramy. She will be in her office most of the time
during the day except from 3-6pm tomorrow afternoon.
Darn, I forgot her office #, but she's in the same
office as Andrew Stoher and Sharon Coe. Its on the
third floor of Spieth to the right as you come up the
stairs in the middle of the hall. Tickets are $5.

Not sure if I put the address in the last email, but
its 365 Glen Hill. For those of you that have been to
my house, that's two streets past my house going north
on Flanders. Turn right on Glen Hill from Flanders
going north and the house will be on your left.


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