[Bgsa] housewarming

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 12:10:37 PDT 2005

Hello all. As most of you know, I am living in a new
house. I think this weekend would be a good time to
have a little house-warming party. Let's say Friday
night. Let's make it a potluck. I have a BBQ, but I
only have one, so I don't want to make it an official
BBQ. However, if you want to bring something that
requires grilling, I can accomodate. Other than that,
just bring something that you would be interested in
eating, so that we can ensure that there will be
something for you to eat. Come over by 7pm. I will
probably be cooking sometime between 5 and 7pm, so you
can come earlier if you wish to prepare your dish
beforehand at my house or if you want to grill
something. I probably have about 10-15 beers in my
fridge, so you may want to bring something to drink as
well, although I do have some to offer. Not sure how
many folks will show up, but if you bring at least
enough to feed yourself, that should be plenty. I will
by some disposible utensils and plates and such, but
I'd rather conserve resources, so please bring your
own plate/cup/bowl/and utensils. Also, I want to try
and keep shoes off of the carpet, so you may not want
to wear knee high boots that take an hour to lace up.
Other than that, feel free to dress as outlandishly as
you wish. Spread the word and bring friends.


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