[Bgsa] rooms available

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 13:27:17 PDT 2005

As many of you know, I'm in the process of buying a
house and I will be looking for roommates to rent out
rooms to. The house is on Flanders, just past
highlander, so it is really close to campus. There
will be three bedrooms available. Rent will be $500 a
month. Rent is based on the projected mortgage. Once
the actual mortgage is figured out, the rent may be a
little lower or a little higher (although probably not
higher). I am also requesting 1 month's rent as a
deposit ($500). The house has 4 bedrooms and 2
bathrooms, a yard, a 2-car garage, kitchen, and patio,
and a living room. I will also be putting in a
dishwasher, washing machine, and drier. There is no
furniture now. I expect I will be working with whoever
moves in with me to procure furniture. I'm allergic to
cats, so I can't allow cats. Dogs are a possibility,
although I may ask for a little higher deposit if you
are bringing a dog into the house. The rooms will be
available to move into by late August or early
September. Some things may be negotiable and some
things may not, so if you are interested but have
specific issues, please talk to me. Also, if you know
anyone who might be interested, please pass this on.
You can email me back, or you can call me
(cell:836-1141, office:827-7819).


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