[Allgsacstudents] Upcoming GradSuccess events and opportunities

allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu
Thu Nov 19 13:56:14 PST 2020

  *   We have one more game night<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/community#game_nights> coming up on December 3rd at 5pm - join up with fellow grad students to play trivia, scattergories, Pictionary, and more!
  *   We also have a fun virtual movie night<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/community#virtual_movie_series> that we're hosting in collaboration with UCR Libraries on Thursday, December 8th at 6pm - join us online to watch RBG, the documentary on the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
  *   If you're in STEM, you may want to sign up for an opportunity to do a teaching demonstration<https://tadp.ucr.edu/resources/workshops> and receive feedback from our TA Development Program team on December 1st at 11am.
  *   We also still have two sessions coming up in our Career Development Serie<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/workshops#rgrad_professional_pathways_workshop_series>s: Self-Assessment with ImaginePhD on December 3rd and Self-Assessment with myIDP on December 10 (both at 1pm)
  *   The application to participate in the University Teaching Certificate<https://tadp.ucr.edu/university-teaching-certificate> is open; applications are due at 9am on November 30th
  *   The application for the Liebmann Fellowship<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/liebmann-fellowship> is open; applications are due on December 10th
  *   Finally, if you're interested in getting more grant writing experience in higher education for your CV/resume, consider applying to be a Grants Inter<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/internships>n in GradSuccess in Winter quarter! Applicatiosn are due December 7th.
We won't be having a coffee social next week, since it's the day before Thanksgiving, but we'll be back with chat and support (and a chance to win an Amazon gift card!) on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday next week - please take care of yourselves and of each other.


Hillary Jenks, Ph.D.
Director, GradSuccess
University of California, Riverside
hillary.jenks at ucr.edu<mailto:hillary.jenks at ucr.edu>
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