[Tlc] TLC-Asian American

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri May 15 15:01:46 PDT 2009

>From Mr. Sourichanh (Sirch) Chanthyasack.

The Origins of AAPI Heritage Month & a Timeline of its Evolution
Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month by exercising your electoral and political power in your next local election, and in the next presidential election as well! In the meantime, participate in celebrations nationwide. Visit our calendar for a listing of events nationwide.   
AAPI Heritage Month History

    * October 5, 1978: President Carter signed a joint resolution declaring the first week in May of as "Asian/Pacific Heritage Week."
    * 1980-1990: Presidents Carter, Reagan and George H.W. Bush continue to issue yearly proclamations about the week-long commemoration.
    * May 1990: President George H.W. Bush proclaimed the first-ever "Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month."
    * October 1992: Through the continued efforts of Congressman Frank Horton (NY) , Congress passed a law, designating May as "Asian/Pacific Heritage Month."
    * 1991-2008: Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush continue to issue annual proclamations.
    * 2009: President Obama issues proclamation naming May "Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month."

"The vast diversity of languages, religions, and cultural traditions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders continues to strengthen the fabric of American society....During Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we remember the challenges and celebrate the achievements that define our history." - President Obama, Proclamation on AAPI Heritage Month

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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