[Tlc] TLC-1 positions/2 CFPs

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri May 15 14:59:30 PDT 2009

>From the CSEAS at UCLA.

Student Intern Program

United States Department of State

Targeted Fields: Open to all fields.


Citizenship: Open only to U.S. citizens.


Eligibility Requirements: Open to currently enrolled graduate students, college juniors and seniors in good academic standing. Women and minority students encouraged to apply.


Stipend: Paid internships, with annual salaries of $18,687 to $25,897.


Deadline: 7/1/2009 -for spring 2010. 11/1/2009 -for summer 2010. 3/1/2010 -for fall 2010.


Program Description: Over 800 internships allow students a chance to gain firsthand knowledge of American foreign affairs. Most internships are in Washington, D.C., but some openings exists at embassies and consulates overseas, and at the United Nations in New York. Internships are available only during the summer in the U.S. and have a minimum duration of 10 weeks. Ninety-five percent of internship opportunities are unpaid.


For More Information

(REE) Foreign Service Specialists, Student Program

2401 E Street, NW

Room H-518

Washington, DC 20522

(202) 261-8888

hrstudentprogramsvacancy at state.gov


Call for Contributors

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures

The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC) is an interdisciplinary encyclopedia project focusing on women and Islamic cultures, published by Brill (2003-2008) as a 6-volume, 2 million words, 1,246 articles scholarly resource (print edition).  We invite interested scholars, including graduate students, to complete the scholars’ template for publication on our free, on-line searchable EWIC Scholars’ Database and for possible invitation to contribute articles to EWIC On Line.  Please visit our website at: http://sjoseph.ucdavis.edu/ewic/ and follow the link to the contributor template. Thank you for your interest and participation in this free on line resource.

Call for Papers

In the Image of Asia: Moving Across and Between Locations

Research School of Humanities, The Australian National University, 13 - 15 April, 2010

Website: http://rsh.anu.edu.au/events/2010/imageofasia/index.php


This interdisciplinary conference explores how 'Asia' has been imagined, imaged, represented and transferred visually across linguistic, geopolitical and cultural boundaries. It aims to challenge established assumptions (and consumptions) of cultural products of 'Asia', from arts,  artifacts and film to performance. Despite the constant movement of people and objects in the globalized world, 'location' still remains an important reference point in identifying images of/from 'Asia'. The particular focus is on the role of 'long-distance cultural specialists' (Harris 2006) - understood in this context as artists, writers, anthropologists and intellectuals, whose works have the distinctive feature of bridging or traversing different worlds. These members of the Asian diasporas, subaltern intellectuals and transnational cultural workers use their artistic and intellectual mobility to represent their 'native culture' in the 'host culture' or elsewhere. Hence a critique on authenticity, indigeneity, hybridity and inter-cultural influence and borrowing - all of which inevitably leads to questions on power and agency - can benefit from a dialogue between theories in art history, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, and anthropology.


Effectively a globalised examination of localized cultural 'Asia', this conference is an interdisciplinary dialogue along the following themes:

1) 'Locations of cultures'; 2) Identity and images; 3) Representation of culture as translation and 4) Hybridity and agency.


It seeks to develop an analytical apparatus to capture the complex positioning of 'cultural translators' and 'cultural products' across borders. As such, this conference will shed fresh light on the diverse, polyphonic cultural productions of 'Asia' against the backdrop of shifting power dynamics between 'east' and 'west', 'north' and 'south' in a transnational era.


The deadline for submissions is 11 September 2009. We invite proposals for papers dealing with any of the themes of the conference. Please send proposals of 250 words max, with your name and affiliation to Fuyubi Nakamura (fuyubi.nakamura at anu.edu.au) or Ana Dragojlovic (ana.dragojlovic at anu.edu.au) by 11 September 2009.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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