[Tlc] C- WWI

Mike Yared mikeyared at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 16 08:33:10 PDT 2009

fromA bibliography of the First World War in the Far East and Southeast Asia. 
Corfield, Justin J.  
Edwin Mellen Press, 2003.
ISBN: 0773466622
"As well as the Vietnamese, there were also thousands of Cambodians who served in France during the First World War. The French were so fearful of a possible rebellion in Cambodia that on their return they were forbidden to meet or  have any veterans' associations. Two of the First World War veterans who went into politics were Khim Tith, who became Prime Minister of Cambodia in 1956; and Pach Chhoeun, longtime nationalist activist, twice jailed by the French. The French War Memorial in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, showed a French soldier and a Cambodian soldier together was unveiled by Marshal Joffre 
Eckert, Henri. Indochinese Soldiers in Europe 1920-1939. Paper given at the Asian Studies Association Annual Meeting, 4-7 April 2002, held in Washington DC. [Includes some details on experiences during the War.]
Davis, Richard Harding. With the French in France and Salonika, Duckworth: London 1916, pp. xvi 240. [Includes an account of the Cambodian soldiers, pI36-37.]
Igout, Michel. Phnom Penh: then and now, White Lotus Press: Bangkok 1993, pp. 179, iIlus, maps. [Contains a photograph of Marshal Joffre's visit to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in 1921 (p47) and a 1939 photograph of the war memorial, destroyed in 1975 (P91).]
'Lettres d'Indochinois sur la guerre', Revue Indochinoise (January-February 1917), pI20-. [About the Vietnamese and Cambodian soldiers in the French Anny.]
Le tirailleur indochinois: Ie 7e Batallion Indochinois au front en 1917', Revue Indochinoise (1st semester, 1919), p757-94. [About the Vietnamese and Cambodian soldiers in the French Anny.]
Osborne, Milton E. 'Peasant politics in Cambodia: the 1916 affair', Modern Asian Studies Vol 1212 (April 1978), p216-43.
Tully, John Andrew. Cambodia in the reign of King Sisowath 1904-1927, PhD Thesis, Monash University, Clayton 1994, pp. xii 376.
Tully, John Andrew. Cambodia under the Tricolour: King Sisowath and the Mission Civilisatrice 1904-1927, Monash Asia Institute: Clayton, Australia 1996, pp. 352, iIlus. [Includes a short account of Cambodian soldiers in French forces, and a rare photograph of Cambodian infantrymen.}
Les travailleurs indochinois en France', Revue 1ndochinoise (May-June 1917).
Sinais, Bertrand & Weingarten, Andre. Catalogue des cartes postales de franchise militaire 1914-1918, 1939-1945, Indochine, Algerie, A Weingarten: Marseilles 1980, unpaginated, illus; Philoffset editions: Marseilles 1983, unpaginated, illus.
Sinais, Bertrand. Le service postal militaire franfais en Orient pendant la premiere guerre mondiale 1915-23, Theses 3e cycle, History, Universitc! de Paris (Sorbonne) 1977, pp. xi 274, illus. [Copy at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.]
Forest, Alain. 'Les manifestations de 1916 au Cambodge', in Brocheux, Pierre (ed). Histoire de l'asie du sud-est: revoltes, reformes, revolutions, Presses Universitaires de Lille: Lille 1981, p63-82
Bulletin Administratif du Cambodge, published monthly then weekly in Phnom Penh from February 1902. Wartime issues cover government and military appointments during the First World War.
Bulletin de l'Amicale Cambodgienne des Anciens Combanants, published in Phnom Penh during the 1930s. Some copies of this publication are held at the annex ofthe Bibliotheque Nationale at Versailles.
Mike Yared
mikeyared at yahoo.com
 in 1921. It stood near the French Embassy but was destroyed by the Khmer Rouge in April 1975. Only the base of the memorial survives."


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