[Tlc] L- Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party

Mike Yared mikeyared at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 6 21:05:58 PST 2009

Are there any proceedings of the following Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party? Did any American(s) attend any of those conference(s)?
 Ninth Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party, ???
Eight Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party, 2006
Seventh Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party, 2001
Sixth Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, 1996
Fifth Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party, 1991
Fourth Congress of the Laos People's Revolutionary Party, 1986
Third Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, 1982
Second Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, ???
Mike Yared
mikeyared at yahoo.com

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