[Tlc] T-talk

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Thu Jan 15 09:06:29 PST 2009

See this talk to take place at University of Michigan. If you can't get to Ann Arbor, you can watch it on-line! CSEAS at U.Mich. is providing a wonderful service for the field.

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies invites you to join us for a Friday-at-Noon lecture:


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Internet and Censorship in Thailand

Pitch Pongsawat, Department of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University

Hughes Visiting Scholar, Center for Southeast Asian Studies



Typing Thai


Unlike China, which actively censors its internet, Thailand has her own trajectory of internet politics which includes both self-censorship and a new regime of official censorship of internet news and chat sites, and of the website of the powerful people's political movement, which ranks as one of the top ten websites in Thailand. Recently, however, two sites in particular have been the focus of governmental attempts to control political discourse, specifically about discussions of the monarchy on bulletin boards and in chat rooms.  Pitch Pongsawat, a political science professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, and a Hughes Visiting Scholar at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, who works with one of these sites as both a contributor of articles and as internet television producer, will discuss the emerging landscape of the internet as a site of political discourse in Thailand, and the debates about official censorship, self-censorship, unofficial pressures and  discussion of the un-discussible as Thailand struggles with issues of democracy amidst the threats of coup and the several claims of royal intervention.

12:00 – 1:30 pm
1636 SSWB/International Institute
(also webcast; see directions below)



Watching Friday-at-Noon lectures from your computer


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies is very happy to be offering as many of our Friday-at-Noon lectures as we can live over the internet. This is a new technology available to us, and we are still figuring some things out about it, so please accept our apologies in advance for any technical issues that may arise. We will be monitoring the webcast as closely as we can during the event, and if you have any problems, please contact us at cseas at umich.edu during the webcast itself, and we will answer you as quickly as we are able.


The lectures will be available live and in real time. (For those of you around the world, Ann Arbor is in the US Eastern Standard Time Zone, currently GMT – 5:00.) Some also will be recorded and put up on our website, probably within a few weeks of the original date of the event.


If you would like to watch the event on your computer, you will need to have a media player installed. The webcam software we use is designed to work with QuickTime, and it also works with a very good media player called VLC (which we have found is particularly good at opening Southeast Asian media files of many sorts).  Instructions for VLC are for Windows computers; we are double-checking some conflicts with VLC on the Mac.


If you need to install QuickTime, which is free, you can find it here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/

If you would like to install VLC, you can find it here: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/


Instructions for viewing the webcast (QuickTime):

1.       Open QuickTime

2.       Click on “File”

3.       Select “Open URL”

4.       In the URL box, enter:    rtsp://     [Please note the address is case-sensitive].


Instructions for viewing the webcast (VLC):

1.       Open VLC

2.       Click on “File”

3.       Select “Open Network Stream”

4.       Under the “Network” tab, Click the radial button for RTSP

5.       In the URL box, enter:    rtsp://     [The “rtsp://” is already provided in the box. Please note the address is case-sensitive].


For either QuickTime or VLC, you may initially see a green screen. Once the camera has focused and the talk actually starts, you should be able to see and hear the lecture.

If you have problems receiving the webcast, please contact us at cseas at umich.edu. We will monitor emails during the lecture.


Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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