[Tlc] L-economics

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 6 08:30:20 PST 2009


-0206 - Bernama - Laos' Access To WTO Is Uncertain


February 06, 2009 17:38 PM

Laos' Access To WTO Is Uncertain

VIENTIANE, Feb 6 (Bernama) -- Minister of Industry and Commerce said Laos' access to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is uncertain although a number of rounds of talks with the WTO members have been reached, Lao news agency (KPL) reported.

"Before accessing WTO, Laos has to complete all its plans and existing regulations and laws are necessary to be adapted according to the international environment," said Dr Nam Viyaketh.

However, Dr Nam said at the fifth working group meeting being held early this year that the government will present document on its trade in service.

The minister admitted that the trade in service is sensitive as it involves various sectors.

The member states have prioritised Laos' access to the world body as they acknowledge that Laos is a least developed.

However, among various areas, banking and finance, insurance and communication are subjected for the protection by the Lao government.

Laos has been awarded generalised system preferential from the European Union and other countries but its access to international markets is not guaranteed and stable.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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