[Tlc] T-Southern Thailand

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Feb 1 10:01:42 PST 2009

Forwarded from Tyrell Haberkorn.

THAILAND: Child Recruitment and Use in Southern Thailand
The century-old insurgency by ethnic Malay Muslims in southern Thailand, thought by authorities to be effectively over by the end of the 1990s, re-ignited in 2004. Armed attacks on police and military targets have escalated since then, while a new, more radical Islamist ideology lies behind terrorist tactics such as the murder of Buddhist civilians and the indiscriminate bombing of public areas, killing Buddhists and Muslims alike. Non-state armed groups are thought to be responsible for much of the violence and for many grave abuses of human rights in the South. However, serious human rights violations by Thai security forces against individuals suspected of involvement in armed groups have been also been documented. They include arbitrary detention, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, enforced disappearances and unlawful killings. The situation has impacted severely on the lives of children. They have been among the victims of bombings, unlawful killing !
and other violent attacks by armed groups. On occasions they have also been the victims of lethal force and unlawful killings and by the Thai security forces. Access to education has been disrupted by the persistent targeting of government schools, teachers and, in some cases, pupils by armed groups and also by raids on Muslim schools by Thai security forces. Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers (1 December 2008) 

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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