[Tlc] T-website

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Apr 26 09:26:36 PDT 2009


If you can read this, YOU PROBABLY AREN'T IN THAILAND!

If you live in Thailand and are a FACT reader, you probably don't use TOT ADSL, Kasetsart University or Buddy Broadband as your ISP. All three of those ISPs have been blocking FACT since at least noon on April 25 and redirecting users via transparent proxy to a blank blockpage at Thailand's ICT ministry. Since the evening of April 26, FACT has been blocked by CAT CDMA and CAT Hi-net ISPs and redirecting to MICT.

Will FACT readers please keep us informed if and when FACTsite http://facthai.wordpress.com is blocked by other ISPs. Please let us know by email: facthai at gmail.com. Please include your mobile number so we can call you back.

We need to know if KU and Buddy and perhaps other ISPs are redirecting users by transparent proxy to  http://w3.mict.go.th, as is TOT.

The fact that THREE ISPs are now blocking FACTsite indicates that the blocking order did, in fact, come from MICT and is not just an ISP decision.

This means that probably more ISPs will start to block FACTsite as the MICT "request" is implemented by them. Some may be inefficient and not get around to blocking; others may simply ignore MICT's "request".

It is HIGHLY unlikely that MICT sought a court order to block FACTsite. Therefore, we have a good basis for a court case. FACT would like to become the second legal website in Thailand after Midnight University!

In any case, the first step is a letter of complaint to MICT and the three ISPs. We shall also get on the phone to all four on Monday.

Can some FACT readers please let us know if FACT's RSS feed is still sending to subscribers?

Thanks for your help and support. FACT readers should use proxies and VPN till we get a new, mirrored website up. (This is the same way we'll continue to post.)

The Royal Thai Police announced plans just before Songkran for six more arrests under Thailand’s Computer-Related Crimes Act after the holiday. An April 24 press release from the ICT ministry admitted blocking 8,955 websites.

This is the first time FACT has been blocked since its inception November 15, 2006. 

Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT) has prepared a formal letter of complaint to send to Ranongruk Suwanachee, ICT minister, and the CEOs of the three ISPs:

Freedom Against Censorship Thailand


April 25, 2009


Formal Letter of Complaint Over Website Blocking

Cease and Desist Order

It has been brought to our attention that, on April 25, 2009, the Wordpress blogsite of Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT) http://facthai.wordpress.com was inaccessible to subscribers of the Telephone Organisation of Thailand’s ADSL Internet service (2009.04.25 13:07; 2009.04.25 17:15; 2009.04.25 17:33; 2009.04.25 21:49), Kasetsart University (2009.04.25 14:32), and Buddy Broadband (2009.04.26 02:16). Our website was apparently accessible from many other ISPs in Thailand. Users of TOT ADSL, Kasetsart University, and Buddy Broadband attempting to access FACT’s website were redirected by transparent proxy to http://w3.mict.go.th, indicating that FACT’s website was blocked by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT) is a non-political, non-partisan, public non-governmental organisation providing information on censorship issues in Thailand and worldwide. FACT is a network of more than 900 citizens concerned over censorship issues.

I am FACT’s coordinator and registered owner of FACT’s website http://facthai.wordpress.com.

If the ICT ministry and/or TOT is blocking FACT’s website http://facthai.wordpress.com, we require you to provide a copy of the court order authorising censorship of our website along with complete reasons for such censorship. If there is no such court order, the ICT ministry and/or TOT is acting illegally under the requirements of the Computer-Related Crimes Act 2007 and must immediately restore access to our website by all Internet users.

Should you fail to provide us with the relevant court orders and reasons for blocking FACT’s website, we will take legal action against you.

We expect your prompt reply and the removal of any block against FACT’s website.


CJ Hinke

Box 31, Udomsuk Post Office

Bangkok 10261 Thailand


                                                                                           telephone. +66-7-976-1880     email. facthai at gmail.com

                        Website / เว็บไซต์:            
                         Petition / คำร้อง :    

                     NO CENSORSHIP!
                    NO COMPROMISE!

                  Contact details / ติดต่อ :
                        CJ Hinke  email:  
                   <facthai at gmail.com>
                  tel. +66-(0)87-976-1880

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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