[Tlc] TLC-conference

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Apr 5 16:49:28 PDT 2009

Sounds like a perfect conference for specialists in SEA Religions.

Conference announcement: Buddhism and Islam: Encounters, Histories, Dialogue
and Representation, McGill University, 29-30 May 2009

McGill University's Faculty of Religious Studies, in cooperation with
the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies, is proud to host an
outstanding group of scholars this spring, who together will be
exploring the long, shared history of Buddhism and Islam. The
conference has been called to establish a factual baseline-How have
Buddhists and Muslims lived together? What have been the results,
historically, culturally, and religiously, of the encounter of Buddhism
and Islam? Did the lived reality conform to each religion's
prescriptions about how to treat nonbelievers?-and to explore more
conceptual terrain-How did each religion perceive the other? How have
those encounters been recorded and remembered? And, in our contemporary
context, who creates, records, and remembers what images?

The conference will include presentations by Anna Akasoy (University of
Oxford), José Cabezón (University of California, Santa Barbara), Dru
Gladney (Pomona College), Georgios Halkias (University of London),
Charles Hallisey (Harvard University), Alexander Horstmann (Universität
Münster), Irving Chan Johnson (National University of Singapore),
Hudaya Kandahjaya (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and
Research), Charles Keyes (University of Washington), Dominique-Sila
Khan (Instititute of Rajasthan Studies), Xinru Liu (College of New
Jersey), Nishii Ryoko (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Kieko
Obuse (Oxford University), Leslie Orr (Concordia University), Alexandre
Papas (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris), Rohit
Singh (University of California, Santa Barbara), Karel Steenbrink
(Utrecht University), Yano Michio (Kyoto Sangyo University), and Ronit
Yoeli-Tlalim (University of London).

Buddhism and Islam: Encounters, Histories, Dialogue and Representation
has been made possible through the generous support of the Numata
Foundation. Please join us in Montreal May 29 and 30 for this exciting
event. And for more information, or to register, please visit our
conference website at www.numata-conference.mcgill.ca.

Lara Braitstein
Faculty of Religious Studies
McGill University
3520 University St
Montreal QC  H3A 2A7
telephone: 514-398-6027
email: buddhism-islam.relgstud at mcgill.ca

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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