[Tlc] TLC-position

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Wed Sep 24 10:38:01 PDT 2008


University of Toronto
Asian Institute and
Departments of Sociology or East Asian Studies


The Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto invites
applications for a full-time tenure stream position at the rank of
Assistant Professor in Asian Modernities, starting July 1, 2009. This
position is a 49% appointment in the Asian Institute and a 51% appointment
in either the Departments of East Asian Studies or Sociology.

The Asian Institute is a research and teaching centre located in the Munk
Centre for International Studies, specializing in all geographical areas
of Asia, including, among others, Southeast and Northeast Asia (see
www.utoronto.ca/ai). The position will involve teaching responsibilities
in the undergraduate and Master's degree programs in Asia Pacific Studies.
These programs emphasize a comparative, interdisciplinary, and
transnational approach to contemporary issues in both Southeast and East

Further information about the Department of East Asian Studies and the
Department of Sociology can be found at the following urls:
www.chass.utoronto.ca/eas/ and www.chass.utoronto.ca/sociology/.

The ideal candidate would advance interdisciplinary, interregional and
comparative scholarship on Asian modernities. Research and teaching
interests should engage emerging and novel ways of understanding
modernity, its various forms, and its consequences in Asia. Topics can be
far-ranging and could include such issues as the city, gender and
sexuality, emerging configurations of labour, land and capital, or media,
science and technology. Scholars whose work focuses on Southeast and/or
Northeast Asia are encouraged to apply.

Only applicants with Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 2009, excellence in research
and teaching, and demonstrated proficiency in at least one Asian language
will be considered. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and

The closing date for applications is October 15, 2008. Please apply with a
full C.V., a chapter/article length writing sample and teaching dossier to
the administrator of the search: Eileen Lam, Institute Manager and Project
Officer, Asian Institute at the University of Toronto, Munk Centre for
International Studies, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, Canada M5S 3K7. Please
arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the address above,
under separate cover, and to arrive by the closing date.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its
community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group
members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of
sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further
diversification of ideas. The University of Toronto offers the opportunity
to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse cities in
the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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