[Tlc] L-Center for Lao Studies development

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Nov 23 01:14:37 PST 2008

FYI. Forwarded from the Center for Lao Studies.

Over the past year the Center for Lao Studies (CLS) has been vigorously working to bring a number of new programs to life while continuing its support for our marquee undertaking, the International Conference on Lao Studies.

First, thank you. The work of CLS would not be possible without the dedicated supporters who have given so much over the past year to enable CLS to move forward.  Our gratitude goes out to all who have given their time and resources to support us.

The Center for Lao Studies depends on support from individuals like you who see value in promoting and advancing the field of Lao Studies through research, education, conferences, cultural and study abroad exchange programs.  As we shift into 2009 with high hopes for a successful year, we ask that you show how much you value the work of CLS by making a gift today.

So a quick look at what's to come in 2009 for CLS:

-    Planning for the Third International Conference on Lao Studies in 2010 which will take place at Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

-    Launch of the Summer Study Abroad in Laos (SAIL) program. SAIL will see its first group of students head to Laos this upcoming summer.  In cooperation with the Lao-American College in Vientiane, SAIL will allow participants to experience the language and culture of Laos firsthand.

-    The Journal of Lao Studies will put out a call for papers by the end of the year with a goal of publishing its first issue in the Fall of 2009.  This is an exciting occasion for those of us involved with Lao Studies.  With a well edited and peer reviewed journal of our own, we can now highlight the terrific research and writing done by scholars in the field of Lao Studies around the world. Look for an announcement soon regarding the call for papers and the establishment of the journal's online home.

-    Establishment of the Lao Oral History Project. This project will document and archive the untold stories of Lao refugees in the United States. Currently, there are almost no existing oral history projects and little academic research that focuses on the ethnic Lao refugees in the US. By raising awareness of the Lao refugee experience, CLS will advance the growing field of Lao Studies, as well as illuminate the realities that this population faces today.

As we move several projects from planning to production in 2009 we must rely increasingly on funds donated by generous supporters of Lao Studies all over the world.  For CLS to sustain these projects in the next year, we will need to raise $150,000. We have set a goal to raise $25,000 of that by February 2009. This funding will allow us to launch these new programs while continuing current ones, all very important and crucial to our community around the world.

Please help us launch 2009 in strength, and continue to promote the spirit of Lao Studies! Whether it is a one time or a recurring monthly gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25, we would truly appreciate any amount you able to give at this time to help support the work of CLS.

To donate on-line with a credit card, please visit: www.laostudies.org

Phoumy Sayavong, Ph.D.        Vinya Sysamouth, Ph.D.
CLS Board Chair            CLS Executive Director

YES! I would like to make a donation to the Center for Lao Studies
65 Ninth Street | San Francisco, CA 94103
tel: +1.415.874.5578 | info at laostudies.org
web: www.laostudies.org

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            ____2 weeks, ____month, ____quarter, ____6 months, ____year*

*If you choose recurring gift, your credit card will automatically be billed at the indicated interval.

2) DONATE WITH CHECKS: Print and complete this form and send with a check or money order payable to Center for Lao Studies.
65 Ninth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

CLS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE CENTER FOR LAO STUDIES YET? Please join us by visiting www.laostudies.org
Vinya Sysamouth, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Lao Studies
65 Ninth Street | San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
Phone: +1.415.874.5578 or +1.415.513.5108

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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