[Tlc] TLC-ANU anthro. dissertations

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 20 20:13:50 PST 2008

Dear All,

As I mentioned a few days ago. I have been updating the tlc.ucr.edu website with the lists of French (thanks to our friends as AFRASE) and North American dissertations on TLC subjects written over the past few years.

Dr. Nicholas Tapp also sent me the list of dissertations on Southeast Asian Subjects from 2000 until 2008 inclusive from the Department of  Anthropology, RSPAS, at Australia National University. See these below (I will also add them to the website): 

High, H. (2005). Village in Laos: an Ethnographic Account of Poverty and 
Policy among the Mekong's Flows. Anthropology, RSPAS. Canberra, 
Australian National University

Panyagaew, W. (2005). Moving Dai: Towards an Anthropology of People 
'Living in Place' in the Borderlands of the Upper Mekong. Anthropology. 
Canberra, Australian National University

Chamsanit, V. (2006). Reconnecting the Lost Lineage: Challenges to 
Institutional Denial of Buddhist Women's Monasticism in Thailand. 
_Anthropology, RSPAS_. Canberra, Australian National University

Mayes, W. (2007). Urban Cosmonauts: The global explorations of the new 
generation from post-revolutionary Laos. Anthropology, RSPAS. Canberra, 
Australian National University

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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