[Tlc] TLC-fellowship/artist-in-residence

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 14 11:41:22 PST 2008

Forwarded from Dr. Arnika Fuhrman.
Thank you,

The Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture invites applications and nominations for its 2009 Artist-in-Residence Program.

The Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture (CSRPC) is an interdisciplinary research center that promotes engaged scholarship, debate, teaching, and activism on issues of race and ethnicity at the level of public policy, cultural representation, and lived experience. We are especially interested in how ideas, images, and representations are culturally deployed and structurally enacted to shape people's daily lives, opportunities, and outcomes. For more on the CSRPC mission, visit http://csrpc.uchicago.edu

Program Description: The goal of the program is to provide outstanding artists whose work addresses issues of race and ethnicity the opportunity to present their work at the University of Chicago and to draw on the University's resources, its libraries, archives, performance spaces, its critical faculty, and student body to develop, advance, and disseminate their creative work in venues and in ways appropriate to their creative medium.

Residency Descriptions: Two types of artist-in-residence opportunities are available.

1.   Artist-in-Residence (up to 10 weeks). The artist-in-residence will be expected to teach one course on some aspect of race and ethnicity as represented in culture or art, broadly defined, and to give one public presentation to the campus community during his//her residency, ideally in the Reproduction of Race and Racial Ideologies Workshop. The artist-in-residence will be provided with an office, a computer, internet and library access. The stipend for this lectureship is $15,000 and will be available in the Spring, 2009 (March 30 to June 5) and Fall, 2009 (September 28 to December 4).  More information on this position is available at jobopportunities.uchicago.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=201666

2.    Artist-in-Residence (one week/5 days).  This artist-in-residence will be expected to give one public event, be it a lecture, a performance, an exhibition of work, or a drop-in session when members of the university community, students and faculty, can meet with the artist to discuss their work on issues of ethnicity and race. The artist will be provided with an office, and internet access.  The stipend for this residential opportunity will be between $2,500 -$5,000, depending on the stature of the artist as determined by honors and awards, single person shows, publications, and review of the work.

Applications should include the following:

1. A letter of application describing candidate artistic work, and the nature of the public presentation candidate is prepared to offer.

2. Curriculum vitae or résumé, outlining education, awards, artistic shows, reviews of candidate work.

3. An artistic portfolio. If there is a website for candidate work, please inform us of the address so that we can review it. If work can be copied photographically, do send us paper photocopies or a digital compact disk. Portfolios that need to be returned must be accompanied by a postage paid, self addressed envelope.

4. Two letters of recommendation mailed or emailed to us directly.

5. Applicants for 10 week residency only: a course syllabus and description of the course candidate is prepared to teach.

Nominations: Send name of the artist, a short description of the work and the artist's contact information. That person will be informed of their nomination and invited to submit a formal application.

In order to receive fullest consideration, applications for Spring 2009 should be received by December 15, 2008; applicants for Fall 2009 should be received by June 1, 2009.

SUBMISSION: Please submit one (1) email copy of your application to tracye at uchicago.edu and two (2) paper copies of candidate application to:

Professor Ramón A. Gutiérrez
Artist-in-Residence Selection Committee
Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture
The University of Chicago
5733 S. University Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60637

For additional information call 773-702-8063 or write tracye at uchicago.edu

The University of Chicago is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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