[Tlc] TLC-Roxanna Brown

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Mon May 19 10:22:34 PDT 2008

Forwarded at the request of Serge Rega.
Thank you,

rom: 	Info khmerceramics (info at khmerceramics.com)
Sent: 	Mon 5/19/08 2:13 AM
To: 	Philippe Peycam (phpey at hotmail.com)

Goodbye Roxanna, amazing accusations; we remember your involvement and 
participation in our activities – The revival of ancient ceramics 
We were in quiet contact with you to prepare the 2008 conference; you were a big 
part of 2007 and 2008 future conferences.
It is a big lost for us at NCKCR but also for the community of S-E 
Asiatic ceramists.
I keep fond memories about you; we had a first rough contact, but you 
immediately understood the need of potters to analyze ancient kiln sites and 
the need for scholars to develop sustainable ceramics activities in the 
We quickly developed a quiet and sustained complicity; you never counted your time and involvement for
our cause.
Apparently you died from perforated gastric ulcer, a very painful illness. Did you suffer in silence as I know you were so courageous or 
did the Federal Machine kill you by lack of care?

So many thinks to say; so many unanswered questions; but only one fact: we will miss you.

All sympathy to her family from Dr. Janet Mansfield MOA; Pr. Louis Katz (US); Han Paruth (KH); Pr Alan Lacowetsky (CA); Laurence Chabard (FR); 
Suwanee Natewong (TH); Serge Rega (BE); and many anonymous Khmer potters.
Serge Rega
+855(0)63 761 519


Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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