[Tlc] TLC-two conferences

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri May 2 14:06:33 PDT 2008

FYI. See information on two interesting conferences and the calls for papers below. The first is at ASU and the second is at Texas Tech.

Call for Papers
Nationalism, Culture, and Identity: New Boundaries in Asia

 Friday, October 17- Saturday, October 18, 2008
 Web announcement http://www.asu.edu/clas/asian/Nationalism,%20Culture,and%20Identity.html

 The Arizona State University Center for Asian Research is pleased to host its first annual Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference entitled “Nationalism, Culture, and Identity: New Boundaries in Asia.” This conference is an opportunity for graduate students from across the country to present their current research projects related to the topics of culture, nationalism, and identity. More broadly, the conference seeks to explore the meanings and applications of the term Asia. By juxtaposing these three areas of research, the conference looks to draw out original and intriguing questions pertaining to the study of Asia in general as well as specific locales.

 Presentations should deal critically with the three themes in the context of the guiding question: Should Asia as conceived by scholars be redefined? If so, how?

 Papers can address the themes of nationalism, culture, and identity from any number of disciplinary approaches including religious studies, history, literature, political science, and anthropology—ideally, combining two or more fields. Papers will be selected on their cross-disciplinary nature and significance to the field. Papers need not be limited to solely contemporary issues. Some topics students may consider presenting on include:

 -the interaction of Asian regions;
 -the influence of religion on the development of nationalism;
 -how cultural and national identity formation is negotiated among different actors;
 -the relationship between localization, nationalization, and globalization;
 -ethno-nationalism and the effects of colonialization on identity and culture

 The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 1, 2008. Abstracts should be maximum 250 words, accompanied by a 100 word biography. Student’s contact information including: full name, university affiliation, field(s), and a current email address, should be at the top of every document submitted.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to any of the following conference organizing committee members:
 Mugdha Yeolekar (Mugdha.Yeolekar at asu.edu)
 Samsul Maarif (Samsul.Maarif at asu.edu)
 William Nitzky (William.Nitzky at asu.edu)
 Seth Clippard (Seth.Clippard at asu.edu)

Call for Papers
Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand and the Vietnam War

2009 Vietnam Center Conference, Texas Tech University
March 13-14, 2009
Web announcement http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/vietnamcenter/events/2009_Conference/index.htm

Most historical examinations of the Vietnam War tend to focus on the effects of the war on the principal participants to include the Republic of Vietnam, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the United States.  The events that took place in Vietnam from 1955 through 1975, however, had a tremendous impact on the entire region.

The purpose of the 2009 Vietnam Center Conference will be to examine the effects of the war on the neighboring nations of Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand.  The Vietnam Center invites both individual paper proposals as well as complete panels that will examine a wide range of topics to include the effects of the war within these nations either individually or collectively; specific events and activities that took place within each of these nations; the participation of US and other military, diplomatic, and civilian organizations within these countries, issues of regional and international diplomacy and diplomatic relations; the participation of these nations’ military, diplomatic, and civilian organizations within Vietnam and each other,  postwar issues for each nation, etc…

Persons interested in participating should provide a proposal as soon as possible.  Please format proposals to resemble an abstract to include the author’s name, title, and affiliation, contact information, along with a 500 word topic description.  Complete panel proposals should include brief biographies of each speaker, their contact information, as well as a 500 word abstract that describes the theme and purpose for the panel.  Please submit proposals to:

Stephen Maxner, PhD
Director, Vietnam Center
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-1041

You may also submit proposals via email to <steve.maxner at ttu.edu>.  If you make a submission but do not receive notification of receipt within 14 days, please call 806-742-9010.

The deadline for submitting proposals is October 1, 2008. This event will take place at the Holiday Inn Park Plaza in Lubbock, Texas.  Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!


Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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